Arman Sadeghi of Titanium Success announces a revolutionary concept for business and personal development events by making it known that his marquee event will allow individuals to name their own price and pay as little as $1 to attend his event. While Titanium Success cannot possibly afford to put on events if everyone paid just $1, their hope is that donations from those who can afford to pay more will cover the costs for those who cannot.
Tustin, California, February 5, 2016 (Newswire.com) - As the lights came up to start the second half of Day Two of Titanium Success’ marquee event, Titanium Live, which happens twice a year, Arman Sadeghi walked onto the stage. He looked out into the crowd of over 400 entrepreneurs, business owners, executives, and those looking to take their lives to new heights. The next few sentences out of his mouth shocked not only the audience but more importantly, his group of employees and volunteers who had been part of the Titanium Success organization.
“I was just backstage and I had a revelation and I want to announce it to the world, starting with the people in this room, before I change my mind,” he said as he casually stood on stage, looking at the audience who curiously looked up at him and the large screens projecting his image. “I have been attending personal development seminars and business workshops for over two decades now. Every speaker I’ve seen has made the claim that he or she does this not for the money but for the purpose of helping people, helping businesses, and wanting to give from their heart.”
"I just experienced something that changed my life forever and I am about to make an announcement that will not only change Titanium Success forever, but it will also change the personal development industry."
Arman Sadeghi, Peak Performance Speaker
He continued with a smile on his face, “I just experienced something that changed my life forever and I am about to make an announcement that will not only change Titanium Success forever, but it will also change the personal development industry. Before the last break, I had a woman approach me and tell me that this event has been absolutely life changing for her. She said that her business was on the verge of bankruptcy and she was close to completely giving up on her business, her marriage, and her life. But the guidance I had provided with the basic science behind what makes a business thrive and life more enjoyable has completely changed her life.”
She then went on to tell Arman Sadeghi that she was not planning on attending the event and she would never had actually paid the $800 ticket price to attend. However, a friend of hers had an extra ticket and offered it to her for free. She attended only because of the fact that there was no cost attached to it. “What happened next is why I am making this announcement. With tears in her eyes and the look that said it all, she put her arms around me, hugged me tightly, and said that I had saved her business, her marriage, as well as her life.”
What Arman said next is what will change the landscape of personal development and business seminars forever. “This was not the first time I had heard someone tell me that their lives had been changed, and it was not the first time that someone had told me they attended my seminar only because they had been given a free ticket by a friend. But it was the first time that all of that had been put together so eloquently, along with a warm hug and tears that made me feel something I had never felt before. That is why I’m announcing today that going forward all Titanium Success events will be based on a new model of name-your-own-price.” Arman then signaled to his staff in the back of the room and said, “I need you to please get on the phone with our programmers and tell them to start making some website changes immediately. I need them to reprogram our website so that when individuals go to purchase tickets for any of our events, they have the option to enter any price they choose to pay. As of today, anyone will be able to attend any of my events for as little as $1.”
Arman then put his hands together, looked out to the audience, made a small bow and said, “I will never let someone miss out on the opportunity to save their business, to make their entrepreneurial dreams come true, or to change their lives simply because they cannot afford to be at my events.” While his staff had a hard time believing he was actually going to do this, Arman had absolutely no doubt in his mind. In a meeting a few days after the announcement, his staff members pointed out that the cost of simply the workbook that each participant received was about $18. Arman told them that it did not matter and that it was a small price to pay to save someone’s business, marriage, or life.
“I did not create Titanium Success in order to make money. There are much easier ways for an entrepreneur like me to make money. I created Titanium Success because I want to change the world. I want to give people an opportunity to live life at its fullest and I will not let $18, $200, or $800 get in the way of that happening.” For those who can afford to pay the ticket price, Arman encourages them to pay full face value and he has in fact added a feature to his website that allows people to pay more than the ticket price if they choose. But today, anyone can go to the Titanium Success website and purchase a ticket to any one of Arman Sadeghi’s events for as low as $1.
Arman feels that this move is going to change the industry, because others who host similar events have two choices: they either have to stop claiming that they simply do this to help people or they will have to follow his model. Arman hopes that others who put on personal development workshops and business seminars will follow his model, because he feels they are all in the same business of helping people live life at their best. His hope is that more people will have access to this incredible information.
To register and purchase tickets for the 2016 Titanium Live event or to learn more about Titanium Live and Arman Sadeghi, contact (866) 666-6010. Tickets can also be purchased online at titaniumsuccess.com/titanium-live/